how long does it take to lose 20 pounds

Doesn't the number 20 appear to have a magical quality when it comes to weight loss? It's a nice round number, it corresponds to at least one or two jeans sizes (depending on your height and other factors), and while it's more challenging than losing ten pounds, it's not as intimidating as the big five O. However, how long will it take you to reach your destination? As with everything else in this world, the answer is "It depends." As you've probably noticed, there are a plethora of companies out there willing to sell you something that will assist you in quickly and quietly losing those twenty pounds. Given that you're already conducting research, I'm sure I don't have to tell you not to believe those promises. It would help if you burned more calories than you consumed to lose weight. It is a simple principle but difficult to follow – hence the abundance of gimmick sales pitches. If it were straightforward, it would have been completed by now. Without a doubt, there are a few pointers and tricks that can help you along the way. Consider a few methods for gradual weight loss.

Self-Assessment is the first step.

Have you ever noticed how each workout video, gym membership, and diet pill package comes with a disclaimer advising you to consult a physician first? That is because the prudent course of action is always the best course of action. Are you in a state of health that allows you to participate in the type of exercise you're considering? If not, what does your physician recommend in its stead? We cannot all make the overnight transition from couch to boot camp. Apart from these concerns, do you have any dietary recommendations from your doctor? Are there any dietary restrictions, for example, on sodium intake? Determine these first to ensure you're on track. Second, conduct an objective examination of your lifestyle. How active are you? In this case, there is no advantage to fudge the numbers, and nobody is checking them anyway. Admit it if you're sedentary. It is critical to be realistic about your starting point; otherwise, you will be chasing your tail incessantly. Likewise, if your job requires moderate physical activity, it is critical that you accurately assess your level of activity. While the objective is to lose weight, you must consume enough calories to maintain your current activity level or risk exhaustion. Regardless of the circumstances, honesty is the best policy here.

Step two: Execute The Math.

You now need to complete some math homework. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories required to maintain your body temperature throughout the day. Because you burn calories regardless of what you do, it's critical to familiarise yourself with this figure. This can be accomplished by following a formula.

Now multiply your BMR by your activity level. The resulting figure is referred to as your Daily Energy Expenditure Total (TDEE). That appears to be a substantial sum, huh? That is fantastic news. This eliminates the possibility of following those highly restrictive diets. From here, you want to establish a slight deficit between your TDEE and your consumption. This could range from 200 to 500 calories, depending on your weight. This enables you to lose weight gradually and at a healthy rate. Bear in mind that if you consume food too rapidly, your body may believe you are hungry and thus store excess fat. As tempting as it may be to reduce calories beyond what is necessary, resist the urge. If you feel complete, you will be less likely to "cheat" and more likely to adhere to the program.

Step 3: Plan Your Meals and Count Your Calories

If you are new to calorie counting, you may feel overwhelmed at first. Consistency is vital, as is being as candid as possible about serving sizes. After a few weeks, you may discover that you no longer need to count calories because you will be so familiar with the foods you eat and their caloric content. However, it is critical to monitor your calorie intake. This is the only way to ensure that your calorie deficit stays within the recommended range and not too far above or below. There are smartphone apps and websites dedicated to weight loss that alleviate some of the math burdens. In the absence of that, a simple pen and piece of paper will suffice. You'll quickly develop the ability to read nutrition labels and make more informed food choices. (10 potato chips for 150 calories or a lean turkey breast with lettuce?) Additionally, planning is critical. Maintaining a well-stocked pantry with nutritious foods and prepping quick snacks and meals in advance will ensure that you choose the healthier options and not consume all of your calories on something less filling.

Physical activity (step 4)

While calculating your TDEE in the preceding section, you may have thought to yourself, "Wait a minute. Wouldn't this figure vary on days when I exercise and days when I don't?" Additionally, you are correct. It would help if you consumed more calories on days when you exercise more, not as a "treat," but as a bodily necessity. If this is your first time exercising, you may be unsure where to begin. Chris Cutter, a wellness coach, teaches "The Science of Exercise" on Udemy. The course places a high premium on exercises performed for the first time or following an extended break, as this is when you are most likely to quit. Continuing a program has a variety of benefits that go beyond weight loss. You'll gain strength; you'll burn fat more efficiently; you'll have more energy, and you'll be happier as a result. Are your justifications wearing thin? Adopt a no-nonsense attitude toward fitness.

Step 5: Educate Yourself on Patience

Yes, I am aware that we have concluded the blog without answering the title's question. This is because it is entirely dependent on how you handle steps 1 through 4. You are probably aware that 1 pound equals 3500 calories. This logic would take seven days to lose one pound at a 500-calorie deficit per day. Any nutritionist will tell you that this is not a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. For instance, if you begin walking and drinking more water during your first week, you may immediately notice a loss of up to 6 or 7 pounds due to water weight loss. As a result, the answer is highly subjective and highly dependent on your lifestyle. Some programs promise to help you lose weight in a month, but makes that sound safe or healthy in light of what you now know? Maintain the plan; give it a month to see how far you've come. Perhaps you did not lose the entire twenty pounds, but I'm sure you still feel fantastic.

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